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Children's Services Roundtable

About the Children's Services Roundtable

CSRT is a community of practice that welcomes children's serivces staff from public libraries, elementary and middle school librarians, and library school students concerned with all aspects of library service to children. CSRT collaborates to produce timely book and resource lists to support librarians and library staff serving children and their families.

Meetings focus on early learning, collection development, innovative programs and services, technology, marketing/public relations, and family engagement. Meeting topics for the year are determined at an organizational meeting held each June. Meetings are generally driven by group discussion, but occasionally feature outside speakers from other youth-serving organizations in Rhode Island or national speakers.

Youth Services Newsletters

Bi-weekly newsletters are emailed to public librarians and library staff serving children and young adults. These newsletters include information from OLIS as well as current events and continuing education opportunities that are relevant to youth services. Newsletters can be found on the OLIS website. Subscribe below to receive these newsletters directly.

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About OLIS Youth Services

OLIS offers consultation services to youth services librarians in the areas of collection development, programming, services, facilities, policies, planning and evaluation. Learn more about OLIS Youth Services.

About OLIS

The Office of Library and Information Services (OLIS) is the state library agency for Rhode Island. It is responsible for developing a statewide plan for library development, interlibrary cooperation, and resource sharing to serve the library and information needs of all Rhode Islanders. OLIS strengthens, connects and empowers libraries to advance knowledge, connect communities and enrich the lives of all Rhode Islanders. Learn more about OLIS.

CSRT Schedule

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Danielle Margarida
One Capitol Hill
Providence, RI 02908