Contact Rhody Radio at
Nicolette Baffoni, RI Office of Library & Information Services
Emily Goodman, RI Office of Library and Information Services
Dave Bartos, Cranston Public Library
Lauren Walker, Coventry Public Library
Learn more about the team.
Commitment Level: Low
Record a voice memo or quick audio snippet recommending something to read, something to watch, and something to listen to. Snippets should be no longer than 5 minutes.
Commitment Level: Low to Moderate
Submit an episode proposal or recording for an episode. You can turn an upcoming virtual program at your library into an episode of Rhody Radio! The Rhody Radio team will work with you to help set you up with guidance for planning your episode, recording equipment, technology help, and editing assistance. Contact the Rhody Radio Team with your episode ideas today.
Attend open editorial meetings as part of the expanded Rhody Radio Team. Team members will:
The Editorial Board is responsible for planning, implementing and evaluating this project, including: