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Young Adult Roundtable

About T3

The Office of Library and Information Services is one of five state library agencies selected to participate in the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA) pilot cohort of Transforming Teen Services, Train the Trainer (TTT) project. Danielle Margarida, OLIS Youth Services Coordinator and Rebecca Ott, Teen Librarian, Tiverton (RI) Public Library, will represent Rhode Island in Chicago, IL, on October 7-9 when participants will be trained to design and facilitate training for library staff in their state.

Over a three-year period, the project will bring together state library agency youth consultants and frontline library staff from each U.S. state/territory for a robust training program that aims to help them build connected learning, computational thinking, cultural competence, and other skills so they can better serve and meet the learning needs of youth in their communities.

Participating in the pilot cohort of TTS will enable OLIS to further build out the skills of youth services librarians to ensure that CS and career readiness are being addressed in intentional ways in communities throughout Rhode Island. OLIS will ensure equal access to training by scheduling sessions across the state, creating in person and web based training, and integrating training with existing modes of professional development delivery such as the monthly Young Adult Round Table meetings.

The project is being implemented by YALSA in partnership with the Chief Officers of State Library Agencies (COSLA) and is funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services.

For more information about the project, including the project background and a full list of the pilot cohort, visit

Computational Thinking

Build a Paper Airplane

Divide participants into groups of 3 or 4 and then hand out the paper airplane steps to each group.  Ask each group to organize the steps into directions for making a paper airplane. (Let participants know that they do not have to use all of the steps.)


When the papers are in order have each group move one table counter-clockwise. Give the groups pieces of 8 ½ x 11” paper and ask them to create an airplane using the steps provided on the table.


Once the paper airplanes are created have each group fly their plane.  After each flight ask the other groups to provide feedback on what might have helped to make the plane fly more successfully.  What could the team do to enhance the plane for a better flight?

CT Hackathon

Break participants into groups and ask them to:

  1. Talk about problems that they see in the community and that they see as having an impact on teens - or that teens see as a problem in the community.
  2. Brainstorm an app that might be developed as a way to solve that problem.
  3. Talk about the features the app would have to have to be successful

As groups are working walk around the room and listen in, provide feedback, etc.

At the end of the time ask each group to write on chart paper what their app idea is and to put the chart paper on the designated comments/notes.


Gallery Walk

Have participants walk around and look at each other’s app ideas. While walking around ask them to:

  • What they like about the app idea on one color of post-it
  • What they don’t like about the app on the second color of post-it
  • What idea they have about the app on a third color of post-it
  • Put their post- its on the app overview

Have participants go back to their own chart paper and read over the post it comments/notes.

Connected Learning

Connecting Computational Thinking and Connected Learning

In this video, Juan Rubio, Digital Media and Learning Program Manager at the Seattle Public Library, discusses the World's Slowest Computer program sponsored for teens and teen library staff. While watching the video, think about:

  1. What about this program speaks to the ideas of Computational Thinking?
  2. What speaks to the ideas of Connected Learning?

The World's Slowest Computer program is part of the Libraries Ready to Code project and instructions for the activity can be found at


Using the document below, think about a library program/service you have planned or are planning. Which pieces of the program/service connect to CT and CL?