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Public Library Annual Survey

Changes for FY2024

Relocation of the following questions to Section 8: Services:

  • #8.4 Number of Registered Borrowers
  • #8.5 Non-Resident Borrower's Fee - Local Access
  • #8.6 Current Overdue Fine Policy


Many data elements are prefilled and locked based on previous years’ data. To make changes, please contact Kelly Metzger.

Q: What is a mobile unit?

A: A mobile unit is defined as electric bicycles, outreach vans, or other mobile vehicles that allow the library to provide services and library programming offsite. Mobile Units do not meet the definition of bookmobile. Report in #1.29 Number of Mobile Units.

Q: If I am an interim director completing the survey, should I change #1.30 Library Director to my name?

A: Yes. 

Q: Should we report the person who was Board Chair on June 30? Or the current Chair (elected in July or August)? 

A: Report the current Board Chair. We need current name and email address of the person who will be signing Grant-in-Aid documents.