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Public Library Annual Survey


All libraries are required to complete the FY24 Worksheet for Library Operations Budget: Certification and FY25 Worksheet for Library Operations Budget: Application. The worksheets must be digitally signed by the Municipal Finance Officer using Adobe, and attached to the GIA forms during the DocuSign signatory process.

If a library has unexpended appropriated funds from FY24 at the end of the fiscal year that is placed into a fund balance for the library, that amount must be deducted from the expenditure figure reported on the library's Certification of Tax-Based Appropriation and Expenditure. The worksheet has been updated to include that calculation.

All libraries certifying their endowments must use the Certification of Endowment Value Worksheet when submitting their documentation during the signatory process. If the library already uses a worksheet that provides the same information, the library may use that worksheet instead. 

PLAS Overview

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