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Public Library Annual Survey

Support Materials


Q: Is passive programming included in our count of programs?

A: Passive programming - or self-directed activities - are not included in the total count of programs. However, you can now report them as a programming activity in #9.23 Total Number of Self-Directed Activities.

Q: What is the definition of a general (all ages) program?

A: A planned event for which there is no designated primary audience. If the event is intended to attract multiple age groups or types of patron groups, it is an all ages (general) program.

Q: What is the difference between co-sponsor vs. collaboration (re: programming)?

Co-sponsor: have some input into organization of event and content. Collaborate: promote but don’t help with planning/content creation.

A: Co-sponsor can be counted in programming total – collaboration cannot.

Q: How can we report community use of meeting rooms?

A: PLAS does not collect data on this. Count for local use only.