Organizational Changes
Removed: Website Visits
#8.3a Reporting Method for Wireless Sessions was introduced in FY2021. The question specifies the way in which wireless sessions data is collected. For this question, all libraries should select "Annual Count" for their response to this question.
Ocean State Libraries (OSL) provides two files that contain wireless statistics for libraries. One file contains statistics for the library building, and the other file contains statistics for the parking lot WiFi.
This data has not been prefilled, but OLIS has access to the data and can provide assistance if you are unable to locate the two files. Please contact Kelly Metzger for assistance.
Q: Can one-on-one technology assistance be included in reference transactions?
A: Yes. Report in #8.2 Reference Transactions.
Q: Where should I report book delivery to shut-ins?
A: Yes. Report in #8.3 Curbside Transactions.
Q: Which amount do we report for #8.5 Non-Resident Borrower's Fee?
A: This question is asking what the library charges for a local access card. OSL sets the cost for the full access card.