Vacant? - For each position entered in the Staff Positions section, respond Yes or No to this question: "Is the position vacant as of June 30?"
Q: What is the reporting period for library staff data?
A: Library staff data and salaries will both be reported using the fiscal year period, July 1 - June 30.
Q: Should I report a position even if it was not filled?
A: Yes. Include all positions funded in the library’s budget whether those positions are filled or not.
Q: How should I report staff with the same position who work different hours or earn different hourly wages?
A: If two (or more) staff members hold the same position, but work a different number of hours, list each position separately. If two (or more) staff members hold the same position and work the same hours, but earn different wages, list each position separately.
Job Category - Use the guidance document for assistance in selecting the most applicable job category for the position. Contact OLIS if you are unsure which category to select.
No. of Staff - Report more than 1 staff for the position only if ALL other information for that position is the same (hourly rate/annual salary, hours per week, degree required, supervisory role, and vacancy status).
Only report wage as Hourly Rate or Annual Salary, not both. Hourly Rate is preferred.
Hours per Week – Report the number of hours worked by one person in that position, even if you report more than one in No. of Staff.
Degree Required - Select the minimum degree required for the position, not the actual degree of the person(s) holding the position.
Supervisory? - Respond Yes if the position includes a supervisory role.
Vacant? - Respond Yes if the position was vacant as of June 30.